10 August 2011


Dharahara (Nepali: धरहरा), also called Bhimsen Tower, is a nine story (50.2m) tall tower at the center of Kathmandu sundhara. It was built in 1832 by the Prime Minister of the time, Bhimsen Thapa of Nepal. Thapa built the tower under the orders of Queen Lalit Tripura Sundari.
The tower has a spiral staircase inside containing 113 steps and 25 steps outside it . The 8th floor holds a circular balcony for observers that provides a panoramic view of the whole Kathmandu valley. The tower has a 5.2m bronze mast on the roof. The tower has been open for the general public since 2005 for a small fee.
Dharahara is actually the second such tower made by Bhimsen Thapa. The original Bhimsen Tower was built in 1824 and was 11 stories high, 2 stories taller than Dharahara. Dharahara was built for queen Lalit Tripura Sundari, who was the niece of Bhimsen Thapa. She wanted a tower of her own next to Bhimshen's Dharahara.

Lalbandhi bandha